Cut Scene #5
“Uh, Marc, we need you at the QZ!”
Marc waved Jennifer and her escort on. He could already guess what the problem was.
The Eagles were stunned, and Marc followed their horrified glances. He saw the uniform ant lines moving toward camp and also gaped in shock. Nature was pulling out all the stops with Adrian and Angela gone.
“But she didn't count on you, did she?”
Charlie's confidence had Marc recovering more quickly than he normally would have. “No, boy, or you either.”
Marc called the perimeter men over, glad the ants were on a slow march. He was hoping that meant the actual attack order hadn't...
The ant colony charged—scurrying toward Safe Haven like they were being chased.
Long shadows behind them added another layer of panic to be fought. Were those rats?
Jennifer, drawn by the sense of danger, nudged Marc's elbow. “Should I bring it up?”
“The shield.”
Marc nodded, dumbfounded, and the bubble rose up to surround Safe Haven. The red color instantly began grabbing attention from the camp.
Marc stopped Jennifer from lowering it. “They think it's red walls. You're covered.”
Jennifer stayed on Marc's right, cheeks bright red. “I can't do this and help Dog.”
Marc already knew that, but the herd was more important than the wolf. “Chris will do the best he can.”
Marc asked the next question that mattered. “How long until you're into the energy she gave you?”
Jennifer sighed uncomfortably. “I already am. An hour at most.”
Marc motioned to Charlie. “Get her set up in the QZ and bring in some trustworthy donors. We have to keep the shield up until dawn, when the team... Get on it.”
Jennifer didn't protest, though she dreaded the secret being revealed to even a few.
“You don't need anyone else,” a bitter voice stated from behind them. “I've got energy to burn.”
Becky took Jennifer's reluctant hand and the crimson walls glowed brighter.
Marc didn't argue. Charlie would keep track of them, and in the meantime, these teenagers would get to actually be a part of saving the herd that they weren't really a part of. Always on the fringes, Marc had no doubt that Adrian would reward them.
Marc saw that Seth was nearby to guard the kids, and turned to Matt. “I guess you'd like to cover the radio until your dad's shift?”
Matt surprised him with the answer.
“I don't really like to, not the way my dad does, but I'm good enough to watch it.”
Marc motioned him that way, and nodded in response to Cynthia's grateful look. She knew Matt needed the ego boost, but Marc wanted the troublesome teenager fully occupied.

It only took them ten minutes, but in that time, Marc became sure they were wasting their efforts. The sense of danger had faded not long after the shield had gone up.
Jennifer was pale and sweating, even with Becky and Charlie feeding her through loose grips on either arm that appeared to be offering comfort. “You know I won't be able to...”
Marc looked at Charlie. “You know what to do?”
“Yes.” If she ran out through their energy, he would connect her to his dad's strength. Charlie couldn't heal like his mom, but he was the perfect connector.
Marc swept the camp that was muttering nervously from the Mess, and then the angry Eagles, who were ready to hand out justice on Dog's behalf. “Let go.”
Jennifer stumbled as she did, and Charlie was there to support her with weak arms that trembled slightly. He was beat. How did his mom have the strength to do that indefinitely?
Around them, the apocalyptic darkness was still.
Marc searched hard, and the men confirmed what he'd sensed as they gathered around the perimeter.
“All clear.”
“No movement.”
The perimeter guards continued to report the same thing, and Marc shook his head when Jennifer raised a brow. “Leave it down. She's just testing, searching for weaknesses.”
“Who?” Billy asked.
“Nature.” Charlie stared toward the vet area, listening to their furiously barking breeders. “How many of them are the enemy, too?”
“Probably all, but we have to have the food,” Marc answered honestly. “It's why we have metal cages.”
“She'll sour the meat and milk next, I think,” Jennifer stated quietly. She covered her mouth as she yawned.
Marc gave her a sympathetic smile. “Adrian will cover it. Go rest.”
Jennifer waddled off, Billy on her heels, and Marc took a minute to anticipate other problems.
The camp was settling down now that the Eagles had declared the threat to be gone, returning to tents and warm cots without ever knowing how close to death they'd come again.
“Leave the buckets and crates around the perimeter and triple the watch.

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