How Life After War Began
From an early age, the end of the world was something I thought about more than the average child. A few close calls (twister, wreck, family issues) brought survival to the front of my mind even more. By the time I’d reached puberty, I was already writing stories, many of them centered on death and destruction. Some of them were parts that are in the series now, such as the Marc and Angie cabin moments. I wasn’t sure where the bits and pieces belonged, but I kept writing them and waiting for the rest of the parts to the web that was growing in my mind.
That all changed between 1985 and 1993. I saw the first terminator film, Bill Clinton ran for Office, and I finally began putting this book together.
How in the hell did I connect those two?
My brain immediately saw him as one of those people who would let nuclear war (or the like) happen through indifference and neglect. There was always something about those cold, blue eyes that I mistrusted, despite voting for him.
*For those who haven’t picked up on it yet, Bill Clinton is Robbie Milton.
The conspiracy (and many other) theories in LAW are observations made over a lifetime. Are they true?
That’s for each reader to decide.
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